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Wednesday, 30 August 2023

History of Indian Railways and DFCCIL Executive electrical Previous Years question



CBT  Date - 25.08.2023 , Time of exam –12:00 PM to 13:30PM

Total questions –10

Topic under syllabus - History of Railways & DFCCIL / Knowledge about Indian Railway & DFCCIL.

 Dfccil CBT1 Result and cut off 2023 has been declared on 14.11.2023 [click here for Result Executive electrical] and cbt2 will be held on 17.11.2023.

Q-1. डी.एफ.सी.सी.आई.एल. के समर्पित माल कॉरिडोर का पश्चिमी गलियारा निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य से होकर गुजरता है?

1. उत्तर प्रदेश      2. हरयाणा       3. बिहार                    4. झारखंड

Ans -2. हरयाणा       

Q-2 India's first railway proposals were made in ______ in 1832.

1. Madras          2. Bombay    3. Calcutta       4. Travancore

 Ans 1. Madras          

Q-3. Which of the following is the first Indian state to achieve 100% railway network electrification?

1. Gujarat             2. Kerala    3. Haryana       4. Goa

Ans 2. Kerala

Q-4 The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has approvedthe detailed project report (DPR) for a ______ km railway approach line — connectingNew Dadri  Dedicated Freight Corridor station to the upcoming multimodal logisticshub in Greater Noida.

1. 3                 2. 26        3. 15                        4. 35

Ans 1. 3

Q-5 As of February 2023, which of the following statements is/are correct regarding theVande Bharat Express?

I.                  The first Vande Bharat Express train was flagged off on February 15, 2019.

II.                 II. Under the Amrit Bharat Station scheme, the highest number of stations identified islocated in the state of Maharashtra followed by Madhya Pradesh.

1. Neither I nor II  2. Both I and II     3. Only I   4. Only II

Ans 3. Only I   

Q-6 28 फरवरी 2023 तक, निम्नलिखित में से कौन डेडिकेटेड फ्रेट कॉरिडोर कॉर्पोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड का अंशकालिक अध्यक्ष है?

1. हीराबल्लभ          2. रवीन्द्रकुमार जैन         3. पंकज सक्सैना                4. अनिल कुमार लाहोटी

Ans- 4. अनिल कुमार लाहोटी

Q-7 Which of the following is the first railway station in the North East Frontier Railway to have been awarded the ‘Eat Right Station’ certification by FSSAI in recognition of providing high-quality, nutritious food to passengers?

1. Silchar                      2. Guwahati                  3. Dimapur                   4. Dibrugarh

Ans- 2. Guwahati                  

Q-8 DFCCIL, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) is engaged in planning, construction,operation and maintenance of the Dedicated Freight Corridors and in the first phase,the ______ corridors are being constructed for exclusively movement of Goods Trains.

   1. 4             2. 6           3. 2                 4. 8

Ans- 3. 2                 

Q-9. Which of the following states of India have/has 100% electrified broad-gauge network,as on July 1, 2023?I. Uttar PradeshII. KarnatakaIII. Uttarakhand

1. II and III       2. I and II        3. I, II and III       4. I and III

Ans-4. I and III

Q-10 In India, the first containerized freight service began between Bombay and Ahmedabad in ______.

1. 1960                                 2. 1954                                 3. 1948                         4. 1966

Ans- 1966

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