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Sunday, 9 June 2024

Risk and Hardship allowance for Track maintainers in Indian Railways

Risk and Hardship allowance for Track maintainers to  given in Indian railway Rs 2700 per months for L-8 and below 8 level  and 3400 per months for L9 and above level 9 from 1 july 2017. Risk and Hardship allowance for Track maintainers in Indian Railways as per RBE 87/2017 (CLICK HERE pdf Download]

In this context, it is pointed out that the amount payable as Risk and Hardship Allowance as per the R3H2 matrix as per accepted recommendation of the 7th CPC is 2700/- for Level-8 and below and ₹3400/- for Level-9 and above. However, it is only the category of "Track Maintainers" (that consists of Track Maintainers- I, II, III and IV) who are eligible for payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance, in terms of RBE No. 87/2017. As per their extant pay level, this allowance payable is therefore 2700/- p.m. Apart from Track Maintainers, no other category of Railway Employees has been included for payment of the aforesaid Risk and Hardship Allowance as per the accepted recommendations of the 7th CPC.

 Now Revised Rates of various allowances upon Dearness Allowance being raised by 50% from 1 January 2024 dates 4.6.2024 [Click here download pdf Notice],  According to railway Board's letter bearing RBE No. 51/2024 dated 05.06.2024 or ref RBE No. 26/2024 dated 15.03.2024  [CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD] DA reach at 50% hence various allowance shall be increase 25% . 


1. Vide Board's letter under reference, the rates of Dearness Allowance were raised to 50%. Consequently, multiple references have been received from the Staff Federations regarding revision in the rates of various allowances whose rates were slated to be revised upon DA reaching 50%.
2,The revised rates of these allowances shall be applicable with effect from 1st January, 2024.
3. In view of the same, a list of such allowances whose rates shall be revised with DA reaching 50%, along with the revised rates of Risk and Hardship allowance is  7th CPC is 3375/- for Level-8 and below and ₹4250/- for Level-9 and above.

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